We believe in people when they do not believe in themselves

The 700 Club works in Darlington to help people regain control of their lives and to have a home of their own.

Our Achievements

The 700 Club have provided over 460,000 bed-nights to those who would otherwise be forced to sleep rough, to sleep on a friend's floor, or to occupy some other kind of inappropriate accommodation.



Why it matters?

We believe that people are greater than the issues by which society often defines them - homeless, drug addict, alcoholic, suffering mental illness. We feel that we can make a difference by believing in people when they do not believe in themselves.



Help those who beg on the street

Loose change feeds problems, it is not a solution. Help us bring support to those who beg. People beg for different reasons, but for all it is symptomatic of need. Help us to meet the person's needs so that they are not diminished by the need to beg.


Author: John Elliston

Target amount: £10,000.00

Amount raised: £4,739.85


Recruiting Now

The 700 Club is actively recruiting for permanent, full time staff. If you are seeking a position working in social care, then there are opportunities across the organisation.


Author: John Elliston

Darlington Connect Upgrade

The premises of Darlington Connect have been upgraded to include toilet facilities for people with impaired mobility and additional 'confidential' spaces to accommodate the increasing demands on the service provided by the project.


Author: John Elliston

Together we can make a difference

1 in 182 people in England are homeless. Over 3,000 people are sleeping rough on any given night (26% increase) and 279,400 are living in temporary accommodation (14% increase) - most of whom are families. There are also 20,000 people in hostels or supported accommodation.


Author: John Elliston

Target amount: £1,000.00

Amount raised: £65.00


The challenges we are facing


of people seen sleeping rough had mental health needs


years old is the average age of death of people who experience homelessness


people will be sleeping rough across England in 2026 if nothing changes

Make a donation to our Lodge Project

No one needs to sleep rough in Darlington. Access to a warm, comfortable room, available 24/7, 365 days a year is available for any individual who has nowhere to stay. The experienced staff offer a welcome and support, enabling people who are passing through a difficult time to recover the hope of a better tomorrow. £36 will give a homeless person a bed for tonight and support for tomorrow.

Please select a donation amount (required)

Latest news

  • Darlington Connect Upgrade

    The premises of Darlington Connect have been upgraded to include toilet facilities for people with impaired mobility and additional 'confidential' spaces to accommodate the increasing demands on the service provided by the project. Read more

  • Service Users Celebrate Coronation

    On the eve of the Coronation of Charles III, a celebration event with live music, food and side stalls took place within the community centre of St Augustine's Church. Originally planned as an outdoor event, inclement weather forced it inside, but the rain did not dampen the spirits of those who attended. Read more

  • Chair of Charity Commission visits 700 Club

    It was a privilege to welcome the Chair of the Charity Commission, Orlando Fraser, to Darlington and to the 700 Club. He spent an hour in company of staff, board and service-users, listening, questioning and affirming the work of the charity. Read more

How to help

  • Donate

    You can share in our work by making a donation, either in cash or in other ways. Some chose to donate time and expertise, others give equipment or goods to use in our projects. Read more

  • Volunteer for us

    We have opportunities for volunteering across all our projects, whether your skills are with people, with administration, or whether you have some other skill you would like to share ... music, drama, art, sport, gardening, the list is endless. Read more